BSN - Amforca After school activities  - Terms, FAQ's, consent

BSN-Amforca After School - terms

Terms, FAQ’s and consent form of the Amforca – Sports after school activities

By signing up for one of the Amforca – Sports after school activities, you agree with the following terms: 

1. For all after school activities at the European School, the British School or any other school, the rules of this school apply, regarding registration and regarding the number of sessions per term etc. 

Please read those rules and terms carefully. The schools usually inform parents about updates or new rules regularly.

2. Make your payment for an activity just if school has confirmed that your child has a place for this activity. 

3. Payment is for one child per form.

4. Payment will be automatically confirmed by email right after the payment was successful.

5. Cancelation policy: You pay for one whole term. After this term you do not need to cancel your registration. To register again for the following term, school will send out another information with the signing up procedure regarding school rules. 

6. Please also read our privacy policy:

Consent form:

·      I, the parent of the child named in the registration form, hereby give my permission for my child to take part in the after school activities offered by Amforca - Sports.

·      I understand that there are potential risks associated with the activities and/or with the traveling to external locations and I consent to my child’s participation in all activities.

·      I agree that in the event of an emergency injury or illness, the coordinators in charge of the activity may act on my behalf and at my expense in obtaining medical treatment for my child.

·    I agree and understand that I am responsible for the actions of my child, and I release the organiser from all claims and liabilities that arise in connection with the activities, except if due to the negligence of the teacher(s)/trainer(s)

I confirm that I have read all terms and the consent form carefully.

By proceeding with the booking of one or more Amforca-Sports after school activities I, parent of the child named in the registration form, accept the terms and I understand that I herewith accept and sign the consent form.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

What does my child need for outdoor football?

Sports gear: long sports trousers, T-shirt, sweater or zipper, rain/wind jacket and football shoes (studs).

The children will be always outside, so please adapt the clothing to the weather.
Rain/wind jacket and spare socks always good to bring. 

With warm weather shorts and a T-Shirt are allowed.

You can prepare your child a little extra snack at the day of the activity, which he/she can eat once school finishes.

What happens with bad weather? Cancelations of the lessons?

Football will be always held outside at the BSN outdoor facilities.

This means, that a lesson will usually not be canceled when there is rain, snow, wind or when it is cold outside.

Of course, it is always safety first! This means, that we can decide not to go outside when there is a storm or a storm warning, for example. The teachers will decide this on the spot if the group goes outside or not.

In case the group needs to stay inside, the team tries to find an alternative for that day indoors.  Therefore normally lessons will not be canceled.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information:
