Amforça 2
Location Amforça 2 at Houtrust Sporthal
Laan van Poot 22, 2566EC Den Haag
This location is situated at the Sports Hall Houtrust in walking distance from the European School.Amforça makes use of the sports hall, multifunctional room and an after school care space directly at the sports hall. The football field of SVV Scheveningen is used for the football sessions. A playground, the woods & dunes and also the beach are in walking distance.
At Amforça 2, children come in contact with exercise and playing sports in a playful way. The space for Amforça BSO Houtrust is situated directly next to the sports hall. It is a nice space, where children can feel comfortable and play with friends at their age from 4 to 7 years. Furthermore various sports programmes and other activities are offered every day. The other location Amforça 1 (SVV) for 7-12 year old children is in another building but also at Houtrust area, so very close by. Parents can either opt for a sports academy sign up only, or they can opt for the after school care (Dutch: BSO), which gives all the benefits of an after school care such as food & snacks, pick-up until 18:30 h, holiday care, Dutch childcare benefit and it includes one of our structured activities or sports lessons each day as well.
Amforça Holidays / School holidays
During school holidays an out of school care programme is also offered. There, we offer regular holiday sports camps including various sports activities and field trips throughout the week. FYI: Amforça is closed in the first two weeks of August and during the Christmas holidays.
Regular after school care programme with implemented sports lessons and other activities in the sports after school care schedule, so your child joins one of these regular activities every day.
Registration is also possible for the Amforça Academy including various activities and sports programmes only.